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Jia Li


[ Summary ] Multiple disciplinary perspectives benefit class . class Building . the expansion and deepening of class teacher research , But specific research needs to view and position clearly . Beyond the limitations of previous schooling studies , highlighting the vision of lifelong education , can be a class • class Build set . Class Teacher research provides new space . class . class Building . class teacher research has a rich connotation. Lifelong education occurs in the class construction ; at the same time , class . class Building . class teacher for lifelong education system construction and thought dissemination , has an important price value . This research perspective on the current class . class Building . A new challenge is presented by the head teacher researcher, also provides researchers with academic development Opportunity , to contribute to the development of class-based pedagogy , Implementing Knowledge creation , accumulation , Propagate and update. 


lifetime education; class; class teacher class construction; class-based; Pedagogy

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Included Database


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v5i1.333


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