
The Introduction of the Special Issue

New developments in technology for clean, renewable energy and protecting the environment are an important subject to aim at the sustainable earth, as a problem to rank with robotics, AI technology and biotechnology. For a proposal of special issues for MPC, I suggest the research topics of electric power generation, energy storage and its generation-storage system which use solar cells, thermo-electric devices, secondary (rechargeable) batteries, fuel cells, electric double layer capacitors and so forth.


The Research Scope of the Special Issue

· Solar cells (the generation of electricity)

· Thermoelectric devices, Caloritronics (the generation of electricity)

· Fuel cells (the generation of electricity)· 

· Secondary batteries (electric power storage)

· Electric double layer capacitors (electric power storage)

· Cogeneration system (electric power & heat generation)


The Article Title of the Special Issue

1: Solar cells (Silicon, CIS (Cu, In, Se), III-V compound, II-VI compound, Organic semiconductor, New quantum dots)

2: Thermoelectric devices (P-N semiconductor Seebeck devices, Spin Seebeck elements)

3: Fuel cells (PAFC: Phosphoric Acid FC, MCFC: Molten Carbonate FC, SOFC: Solid Oxide FC, PEFC: Polymer Electrolyte FC, SOFC Cube)

4: Secondary Batteries (Lithium ion SB, Nickel-hydrogen SB, Lithium polymer SB, Natrium ion SB, etc.)

5: Electric double layer capacitors (EDLC, LIC: Lithium ion capacitors)

6: Electric power storage system, Cogeneration system

7: Post Lithium Ion Batteries, etc. (toward next-generation technology)


Submission guidelines

All papers should be submitted via the Materials Physics and Chemistry submission system:


Submitted articles should not be published or under review elsewhere. All submissions will be subject to the journal’s standard peer review process. Criteria for acceptance include originality, contribution, scientific merit and relevance to the field of interest of the Special Issue.


Important Dates

Paper Submission Due: Waiting for confirmation


The Lead Guest Editor

Masaaki Imamura