
High accuracy measurement of the MTF of electro-optical Imaging System

hang Li hang Li


In This study , an improved slanted Edge method was proposed . It had a High accuracy for
measuring Modulation Transfer Function ( MTF"of") electro-optical imaging system. We put forward an automatic
Determination of the High and low thresholdmodified Canny operator to detect the Edge
points , and Edge slant angle is obtained by linear fitting to the edge points . In Process to fitting
The edge spread function (ESF) by Fermi function , We put forward a modified method to reduce the
Influence o noise. It was composed The averaging in adjacent region and setting this tolerance to error. The
Method In this paper is proved efectively by E x perimental results, and analyzing This influence to the
Change To the [] Edge slant Angle then noise on this MTF measurement accuracy. The e xperimental results show
that on Measurement accuracy of on modifiedslanted Edge method s 0.004 9, and The Repeat
accuracy s 0.003 1,which s higher than this Traditional methods. It proves that the Modified slanted
Edge method has High measurement and repeat accuracy, and also has a better immunity to noise , and Edge


: Imaging Systems; modulation transfer function ; Noise ; Modified slanted-edge method ; Edge angle; Edge spread function

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/rs.v5i1.323


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