
Optical Remote Sensing Image defogging algorithm Based on dcm-htm

jiwei Xu jiwei Xu


focusing on fog detection and correction of satellite remote sensing image, a defogging algorithm dcm-htm
for R Emote sensing image is proposed by the combination of Dark channel map (DCM) and haze thickness map
(HTM). Based on the principle of dark channel mean-shift filter and automatic histogram threshold are to used detect
area t the same time, the HTM is obtained by nonoverlapping window. At last, the correction of fog is produced in the
fog area. The results show that the algorithm can accurately detect the fog area, and the areas affected by the haze
can be effecti Vely corrected in the premise of image normal areas not affected. The results are improved greatly
compared with the fog correction of the whole image.


: haze thickness map; Dark channel map; mean shift filter; fog detection; nonoverlapping window

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/rs.v6i1.331


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