
Using of Remote Sensing and Aeromagnetic Data for Predicting Potential Areas of Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt

Mohamed Abdelkareem, Abdelhady Akrby, Mousa Fakhry, Mohamed Mostafa


This article explored mineral resources and their relation to structural settings in the Central Eastern Desert
(CED) of Egypt. Integration of remote sensing (RS) with aeromagnetic (AMG) data was conducted to generate a min_x005feral predictive map. Several image transformation and enhancement techniques were performed to Landsat Operational
Land Imager (OLI) and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data. Using band ratios and oriented principal
component analysis (PCA) on OLI data allowed delineating hydrothermal alteration zones (HAZs) and highlighted
structural discontinuity. Moreover, processing of the AMG using Standard Euler deconvolution and residual magnetic
anomalies successfully revealed the subsurface structural features. Zones of hydrothermal alteration and surface/subsurface geologic structural density maps were combined through GIS technique. The results showed a mineral
predictive map that ranked from very low to very high probability. Field validation allowed verifying the prepared map
and revealed several mineralized sites including talc, talc-schist, gold mines and quartz veins associated with hematite.
Overall, integration of RS and AMG data are powerful techniques in revealing areas of potential mineralization involved with hydrothermal processes.


Remote Sensing; Aeromagnetic data; Hydrothermal alteration; Egypt

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18282/rs.v13i1.3463


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